Leading Birth Injury Lawyers in Baltimore, MD
As birth defect claim attorneys and experienced Baltimore brain injury lawyers, we understand all risks involved during labor and delivery, even in the best of circumstances. When malpractice occurs, however, the risk of injury to the baby and mother can greatly increase, resulting in the need for birth injury attorneys on your behalf. Most birth injury and birth defect cases involving labor malpractice (delivery malpractice) occur because of a failure to monitor the baby in the womb properly for signs of distress, followed by an inability to undertake a timely cesarean section delivery. Often the birth injury cerebral palsy is the result of the malpractice. This is when experienced birth injury lawyers from our top birth defect law firm are needed for your case in Baltimore or any other neighboring city.
Birth Damage Lawyer in Baltimore
Medical Negligence and Cerebral Palsy
Fetal well-being is assessed by reviewing the fetal heart monitor strips. If the fetal heart rate is below the normal or shows other abnormalities, this could indicate a lack of oxygen going to the fetus and ultimately fetal distress. Since the object of labor is the delivery of a healthy child, fetal distress should lead to prompt interventions to restore fetal well-being or quickly deliver the baby, most often by cesarean section. Failure to act appropriately to recognize and respond to fetal heart rate abnormalities can lead to brain damage and birth trauma or a birth defect that will require families to consult with a birth injury attorney. If your child has cerebral palsy, you will likely need to speak with experienced birth injury attorneys in Baltimore.
Click here for assistance and a free consultation with one of top our medical malpractice attorneys.
Mismanagement of Difficult Birth—Birth Trauma
Many times a difficult birth requires the delivering staff to use forceps, a vacuum extractor, or various maneuvers to deliver the child from the mother safely. For example, sometimes the baby’s shoulder is impeded from delivery by the mother’s pelvis (shoulder dystocia). If performed improperly, forced or guided extraction can result in permanent nerve injury to the child, such as a brachial plexus injury (Erb’s Palsy). Our firm of birth defect attorneys in Baltimore is experienced in handling birth trauma injuries such as Erb’s Palsy. As doctors who became top birth trauma lawyers, we are equipped to recognize and handle any cases regarding cerebral palsy or Erb’s Palsy.
Sometimes a baby is born with or quickly develops a yellow tint to the skin right after birth that is referred to as jaundice. This is caused by an increase in the blood of a toxic substance called bilirubin. Our birth injury claim lawyers have seen many unfortunate cases of this disorder. Typically, the condition will clear up on its own within days. However, when the levels of bilirubin become too elevated (kernicterus), it can damage the brain and cause cerebral palsy, deafness, and other serious birth defects disorders. Thus, health care providers must monitor jaundice carefully and provide treatment when needed to prevent kernicterus from occurring. As birth defects attorneys, we have successfully handled birth trauma cases on behalf of children who have suffered brain damage due to negligent monitoring and treatment of jaundice.
Birth Injury Attorney in Baltimore
Our leading birth injury lawyers were previously medical doctors, so we have had contact with many different families that need birth damage lawyers in Baltimore through unforeseen circumstances. We have noticed that sometimes adults make family planning decisions in order to avoid the risk of having a child with a birth defect. This is especially true among older adults still of childbearing years and persons who have a strong family history of certain genetic disorders.
Occasionally, an elective sterilization is performed negligently, and an unwanted pregnancy ensues with a child who is healthy. Other times, the child suffers from the very birth defect or birth trauma that the parents sought to avoid through sterilization, which results in the need for an experienced birth defect attorney.
Additionally, a physician sometimes performs prenatal testing improperly or does not interpret a sonogram correctly, and thereby fails to inform the expectant mother that she may be (or is) carrying a child with significant birth defects. Again, our team of doctor-lawyers and birth trauma attorneys have represented such clients in seeking justice and needed compensation from negligent health care providers.
If you have unfortunately had to face these circumstances and you need a birth defect lawyer in Baltimore, our leading birth injury attorneys are here to help you win your case. We are a team of experienced doctor-lawyers who specialize in the birth injury of cerebral palsy. We have the knowledge and expertise to understand your personal situation, which makes us the top birth defect law firm. We understand that having a child with a birth defect can be difficult and costly, and our birth injury law firm is determined to provide the best birth injury lawyers in Baltimore for you and your family.