Although each case must be evaluated on its own merits, thus past successes cannot be viewed as a guarantee of future successes, it is important to know that the Lawyer-Doctors at Gershon, Willoughby & Getz, LLC have a track record of highly successful recoveries for medical malpractice victims.

Here are just some of the successes* our Lawyers have achieved:

  • $24 million: The largest jury verdict ever for medical malpractice in the District of Columbia on behalf of a child who suffered brain damage and cerebral palsy due to the failure of her doctors and nurses to diagnose and timely respond to an obstruction of her airway.
  • $10.8 million: Oregon jury verdict for a baby who must live with cerebral palsy and developmental delay because the nurse who was assisting his mother’s labor delayed calling the doctor when the fetal heart rate decreased after a uterine rupture occurred.
  • $7.4 million: Ohio settlement for a brain damaged baby as a result of a delay in delivering and the mother experiencing a placental abruption.
  • $6 million: Settlement for a baby in Oregon born with cerebral palsy, and mental retardation due to a delay in delivery.
  • $6 million: Recovery for a child born in Maryland who has cerebral palsy due to mismanaged labor and delivery.
  • $5.5 million: Recovery in a wrongful birth action for a child with a congenital birth defect due to a misread prenatal sonogram.
  • $5.5 million: Recovery for a Maryland man who was rendered quadriplegic and suffered brain damage because of negligent administration of anesthesia
  • $5.25 million: Recovery in Georgia for a brain damaged baby when a nurse called a doctor for the delivery and he did not show up.
  • $5 million: Settlement for a child who has cerebral palsy, developmental delay and microcephaly due to mismanaged labor and delivery.
  • $4.25 Million: Recovery for a baby who has brain damage and a seizure disorder caused by her doctor’s failure to recognize that she was suffering from severe dehydration.
  • $4.2 Million: Recovery in Ohio for a delay in delivering twins suffering from a twin to twin transfusion, leading to the death of one twin and the brain damage of the other.
  • $4 Million: Recovery for a child who has cerebral palsy and mental retardation because of mismanaged labor and delivery.
  • $4 Million: Recovery in Ohio for a baby who suffered brain damage when a midwife delayed in calling a doctor in time to the delivery.
  • $4 Million: A baby in Maryland who suffered from lack of oxygen when he got stuck in the birth canal.
  • $3.25 Million: Michigan case for a delay in delivery leading to cerebral palsy and developmental delay.

If you or a loved one has suffered a serious injury, act now before the deadline for filing a claim expires. Just fill out the online form or call us TOLL FREE on 1-877-292-6491 (1-866-4-LAWDOC ). The initial consultation by our Lawyer-Doctors and registered Lawyer-Nurse is ALWAYS FREE OF CHARGE.

* The facts of every case are different so past successes are not a guarantee of the outcome for any future case.