For children up to the age of three, the Individualized Family Services Plan, (IFSP) provides essential early intervention services. Staff members work with the child’s family to develop the IFSP which details the needs and services the child will receive to satisfy those needs. The IFSP will also addresses the individual needs of the family, to teach parents, siblings and other family members how to help their CP child. Early intervention services are generally provided on a sliding-fee basis so that the costs incurred will depend in large measure on the family’s income.

Pre-school and school-aged children, special ed. and associated services are also available through the school system. The educational staff helps parents develop an Individualized Education Program, or IEP. Like the IFSP described above, the IEP defines the CP child’s special needs and describes the services that are available to meet those needs. These special ed. and allied services, including PT, OT, and speech-language pathology, are available for free.