When a family faces a medical crisis and discovers that their child has cerebral palsy or another disability, they don’t always know where to turn.  In Washington State, there are many organizations that assist families of this sort and that can offer assistance with the medical, legal and social needs of the family.  Gershon, Willoughby, Getz & Smith LLC assists families in Washington State to achieve the financial compensation they are entitled to as a result of medical malpractice.

Here, Gershon, Willoughby, Getz & Smith LLC offer families a list of resources that can help families with other issues in addition to their legal needs and medical malpractice situations.

Social Service Resources for Families in Washington State

Here is a list and description of a few of the many organizations that offer assistance to families dealing with cerebral palsy.

Reaching for the Stars

First started in 2004, RFTS, Inc. is the only national non-profit pediatric cerebral palsy foundation that is led by parents.  Their mission is to serve as an organization that advocates for educational programming and research initiatives to serve children with cerebral palsy and the families who care for them.  They are, today, an international advocacy and research organization that is completely parent driven.  They believe that, “leading-edge pediatric research can lead to new treatments of CP and deliver measurable improvements in the lives of impacted children and their families.” Find more information at http://www.reachingforthestars.org/.

The Cerebral Palsy Network

The Cerebral Palsy Network with Dena Kirchoff is an incredible resource for parents in Washington State. Founded in 1996 by a mother who was frustrated with the lack of services and support that she found for families dealing with cerebral palsy, the organization is, today, a worldwide network.  They provide parents with tools to help them to cope with the difficulties of raising a child with cerebral palsy. They also offer a wealth of resources to help families know the laws of Washington State and how items like IDEA, 504’s and the Rehab Act can work for them. Learn more about the Cerebral Palsy Network at: http://washington.thecpnetwork.org/.

Cerebral Palsy Family Support

The Cerebral Palsy Family Support works to keep families informed about health, social, governmental and legal assistance they can receive as they raise their child with cerebral palsy. The site offers a long list of links, welcoming families to browse and to gain important information in the area of need. Some of the information is even broken down by county, ensuring that families can receive the targeted assistance they need in the specific area where they live. To learn more visit: http://cpfsn.org/washingtonstatelinks.htm.

Other Social Service Resources in Washington State

Cerebral Palsy
G. Tim Gojio, Executive Director
United Cerebral Palsy of WA
18560 1st N.E., MS#2
Seattle, WA 98155
(206) 361-1125
E-mail: ucpwash@uswest.com

Daniel Schmitt, Executive Director
VSA (Very Special Arts) Washington
305 Harrison Street, #303
Seattle, WA 98109
(206) 443-1843
E-mail: VSAWdes@AOL.com

Programs for Children with Special Health Care

Maxine Hayes, Assistant Secretary
Community & Family Health
Department of Health
P.O. Box 47830
Olympia, WA 98504-7830
(360) 236-3703
E-mail: mdh0303@doh.wa.gov

Programs for Children with Disabilities: Ages 3 through 5

Anne Shureen, Program Supervisor
Early Childhood Services
Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction
P.O. Box 47200
Olympia, WA 98504-7200
(360) 753-0317 ; (360) 586-0126 (TTY)
E-mail: ashureen@ospi.wednet.edu
Web: http://www.ospi.wednet.edu

Programs for Infants and Toddlers with Disabilities: Ages Birth Through 2
Sandy Loerch, IDEA Intervention
Infant Toddler Early Intervention Program
Department of Social & Health Services/
Division of Developmental Disabilities
P.O. Box 45201
Olympia, WA 98504-5201
(360) 902-8490 (Voice); (360) 902-7864 (TTY)
Web: http://www.wa.gov/dshs/iteip/iteip.html